Sapphire has performance as good as any other Buffalo, with the added benefit of fine texture. It grows quickly across the ground, providing quick recovery from wear, has excellent winter colour, and has a deep root system.
Sapphire’s colour is truly amazing, its deep green colour will make your home lawn, “the envy of the street.”

Fine Textured Soft Leaf Buffalo That’s Easy To Grow And Hard Wearing.

Not only is Sapphire hard wearing, due to its quick recovery from wear damage, but it is also shade tolerant like all other good varieties of Buffalo. It is an easy grass to grow. What makes Sapphire different to other Buffalo turf varieties, is its fine texture.

Until now, fine textured Buffalos have been slow growing and shallow rooted, but Sapphire is different. We believe it is the on fine textured, quick recovery from wear Buffalo in the world.
Sapphire has excellent disease tolerance, and great winter colour. Sapphire does not rely on fine leaves for its fine texture, but its folding leaf.

When Sapphire is mature, its leaf folds at tight angles along its axis, resulting in a fine texture. This is important because fine leaf Buffalo varieties usually have thatch problems, are shallow rooted, poor wearing and are slow growing. Sapphire does not suffer with these problems.


Winter Colour

Excellent winter colour in Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Melbourne (provided it is fertilised in April.) It will go dormant in colder areas such as Canberra, but it will hold its winter colour longer than most varieties.

Hot Weather Tolerance

Excellent. Thrives in hot, humid and desert areas. Cold Tolerance Tested down to minus 10 Celsius in Canberra.

Shade Tolerance

Moderate to good. Tests have shown it is similar to other Buffalo varieties. Salt Tolerance Good. Similar to other Buffalo varieties.


Height 35mm – 45mm in full sun and 50mm – 60mm in the shade.
Recovery from Injury Excellent, as it has fast growing stolons.


Residential and commercial lawns, parks etc.Root Structure Deep rooted.

Drought Tolerance Excellent once established, due to its deep root system. Texture Fine compared to other good buffalo varieties.


Internode Length – 50.4mm average
Leaf Width – 6.4mm average
Leaf Colour – Colour green (RHS 137 A)
Leaf Length – 20.2mm average.

Benefits of sapphire

Out Competes Weeds

Due to Sapphire’s tight mat and high performance, it leaves very little room for weeds to grow. It is excellent at out competing weeds. In the unlikely event that broadleaf weeds ever become a problem, Sapphire can be sprayed with Bromoxynil and MCPA, as it is resistant to these chemicals.

Follow directions on the spray pack.

Fast Recovery

Sapphire has rapid growth across the ground. This high
performance allows it to cope well with high traffic situations. In extra high wear areas it is recommended that you fertilise and water more than normal.

Best Looking Buffalo

Due to its fine texture and the nice way the leaf sits, Sapphire looks superb. When Sapphire is mature, its leaf tends to fold back, giving a much finer appearance. Sun and Shade Like many buffalos, Sapphire is the answer for those maturing landscapes that have both shady and sunny areas. Less Thatch Sapphire is proving to be less spongy than other Buffalo varieties.

Great Winter Colour

It takes quite a few frosts to send Sapphire off colour. Drought Tough Sapphire has a very deep root system, which means it can hang on looking great with less frequent watering. In normal soils on the east coast of Australia, Sapphire should only need watering in the warmer months, and in general once every few weeks should be enough, except in severe heat and drought conditions.

So Fine ~ So Soft
Just touch it, feel it, and look at it.
You will be impressed with Sapphire.

The Only Fine Textured, High Performance, Buffalo Turf in the world. Sapphire is generally a mow and grow grass, with little other maintenance required.

Just water occasionally, fertilise 2 times per year, and rarely do anything else.